Since we employ our own in-house architect and civil/structural engineer, Campbell Construction is able to provide our design-build clients with architectural/engineering services for their projects, which can save money and time.
This practice is different compared to other design-build contractors who often times outsource their design and engineering work to third parties.
We believe having an in-house architect and engineer brings the best value for our clients throughout the entire process. We are able to provide valuable design insight into every stage of a project.
Our design team has years of expertise that uniquely qualifies us to handle a variety of industrial, commercial, and institutional projects.
By bringing our design team into the fold throughout a design-build project, we are able to help clients save money and time.
The design-build project delivery system encourages innovation and collaboration as well. Design-build projects allow the design and construction phases to overlap, as the entire process is more integrated than other design and construction methods.
Since the construction team works with the design team throughout the project, efficiencies can be found that lead to fewer change orders, material costs can be known earlier, and the entire project can be finished much sooner.
When you select Campbell Construction for your next design-build project, you can be assured that our experienced design team will work to meet your specific goals, save money, and bring your ideas to reality sooner.