Is Your Facility Squeaking and Leaking?

Let’s face it — if you run a business and own your own building, staying ahead of scheduled maintenance on your facility or addressing that noise you hear everyday may not always on the forefront of your mind. It could take it’s toll on your pocket book and divert...

We Have Safety on the Mind!

What good is providing quality construction if your work sites are not a safe place for workers and project owners? That’s why at Campbell Construction Inc., we take safety concerns seriously. But we don’t just talk the talk, we take the proper steps to lead the way...

Feature: Design-Build Services

Design-build is a popular project delivery method used across the construction industry with many benefits for the client, or entity undertaking a construction project of any size and scope. Design-build is a method used by commercial contractors and industrial...

Project Spotlight: SOPREMA Liquid Membrane Facility

When we were tasked with construction of another design-build project for SOPREMA, an international/Wadsworth-based roofing and waterproofing company, we were excited to work with such a highly-touted group of people once again.  Since we designed and built their...

What Makes a Great Builder

When enlisting the help of a construction services team, having confidence that you’ve picked a great builder can make a huge difference—especially for your project outcome. So how can you have confidence that you’ll get quality construction results? Make sure your...